
The views & advises expressed on this website are that of SSA Risk Managers cc and not necessarily that of Underwriters, Administrators and / or Insurers. Insurers and Underwriters terms & conditions will remain in force at all times unless otherwise stated. The onus rests upon the insured to ensure that vehicles’ values are correct at the time of insurance and that sum insured’s are frequently re-assessed. Same would apply to Buildings, Home contents, etc. insured on a policy. SSA Risk Managers cc will not be held responsible for incorrect values or information provided. Kindly ensure that all material and relevant facts (ie: claims, driver licence details, vehicle modifications, tracking, etc.) are disclosed prior to inception of any policy. Failure to disclose material facts would at the insurer / underwriter discretion consider a policy void and no claim if any would be entertained. It is also the responsibility of the insured to ensure that insurance premiums are honored every month.

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